Ok, here we go again. This is my "I lost count" attempt at firing up this blog and actually trying to do something valuable with my free time and self-proclaimed (sister backed) writing abilities.
I mean, ok, not to blow smoke up my own ass, but I do peel off the occasional Gaiman-esque lines and passages. The problem is that most of the time I don't know what to with them or rather, I DON'T do anything with them. There they'd be, sitting on my screen, 4 beautiful lines of text, and I'd think to myself, "damn.. wow, how did I write that?". By the time I would come to grips with the fact that I may have tapped into some sort of creative pipe-line, my brain would shut down and decide to put up the old "writer's block" sign on the door. A.D.D. anyone??
It's quite obvious that the main factor affecting my productivity (and most other writers) is basically concentration. Also, keeping the old fingers moving and not taking a couple of hours in the middle of a river of ideas to marvel at my 4 lines of text to gloat at how awesome I am. In most cases, I'd end up chucking most of my entries before my mouse ever even came close to clicking the "publish" button. That, is not awesome nor productive, at all.
What would be awesome though, is to actually have a nice steady stream of words to put up on this thing on, at least, a weekly basis and not once every 2 years. So here we go and let the writing games begin.